A matter of accountability

Suyash Mishra
3 min readJan 11, 2021

All of the insanity can be framed as a question of belief. And when every act and thought becomes a question of belief(to each his bubble), with no shared truths and common facts: the world becomes engaged in a giant game of Russian Roulette, everyone just trying to run their hypothesis on the world with an all or none impact. But isn't the world just a network of competing hypotheses? And if so, the truth just becomes a matter of degree rather than absolution, and to have a fair competition you need to have a common gaze: that is a network of shared meanings and metaphors so that a ground for communication can be set up. If there is no point of reference or if it is not explicit or shared, no meaning can reside in a sea of relativity because there is no medium through which it can be translated.

Now then, the starting gun has been sounded off, let's get to the matter at hand. Making explicit the point of references(if any) is an act of accountability. Everything lies in context. Manipulating references or even not addressing them is a stupid, malicious, and irresponsible act in today's times. A world in perpetual grasping with no systemic accountability is a rat race to the bottom. Just trading of attention in moments with no checks and balances, as there is no framing to operate within, breaking the sense-making apparatus (or hijacking it useless), with no alignment in the individual and collective level of actions within a timeframe. This breeds epistemic confusion that allows for all kinds of contradictions, foolishness, cruelty, violence, and, hate among others things to take root deep within our ways of being in the world. It does not just render ineffective our ability to operate in proper ways but also incapacitates those on whom such acts come to bear to acknowledge any misgivings or realize any modes of dissent that might be possible. This becomes the case as there is no system of feedback, for there is no accountability, that might inform an individual's behaviour and make explicit a shared system of references to communicate and act upon in more inclusive and less collaterally harmful ways.

Sadly, we have very little accountability left in our political and economic systems. The responsibility lies in the hand those who work within it and also those for whom it claims to work. And herein lies my deep disappointment (and also the reason for writing this). Our academic systems have become the real gutter sink. They have become a true reflection of the failed citizenry of our country. The rigidity of belief, lack of wisdom, zero ability of meta-thinking, worship of position has turned our academic institutions into foolhardy, rigid, insensitive, and bootlicking missionaries and our professors and teachers into hedonistic, self-serving, and efficient propagandists, with no adherence to any higher principles than their egos and fears. When academicians fail to call spade a spade or even address the spade, the spine of society is lost because, for them, there is no adherence to a higher principle other than that of knowledge and the process of knowing. When they give up on that commitment, there are no other guardians to the treasury.

